Woman in A Garden / Femme dans un jardin
Du 14 Juin au 15 Septembre 2018
La Maison des artistes
“In our traditional teachings First Nation women have a sacred connection to water. This woman carries the sacred water in a pre-contact pottery vessel, made by her own hands, created with riverbank clay. As she pours this blessed water the flowers grow with all of Creation’s love.” - Leah Dorion
KC Adams creates an installation that highlights the Ojibway teachings towards nibi (water). Once considered a lost art, she embarked upon a journey to learn the techniques of her ancestors on making these vessels. She followed the ancient methods, foraging the clay from ancient Lake Agassiz, shaping the pots like swell of a pregnant belly and firing the pots in a pit fire. Placed within one of the pots is footage of various waterways of her native land and in the background she sings a traditional water song. She reminds us that just like water, women are life-givers and are are considered carriers and protectors of water.